Teeth Care- 21 Tips to Take Care of Your Dental Health at home

Teeth Care- 21 Tips to Take Care of Your Dental Health at home

Teeth Care- 21 Tips to Take Care of Your Dental Health at home

Teeth Care Tips - Teeth care is not only related to health, but also to beauty and personality. To leave the impression of your grin, teeth like clear, shiny pearls are necessary. Dirty, unhealthy teeth resemble spots on your beautiful personality. 

Food cannot be chewed properly with painful, unhealthy teeth, due to which the teeth have to work. Due to this, digestive power is destroyed and other stomach related diseases are born. Unhealthy teeth also cause bad odor in the mouth. Scientific research has revealed the fact that the strength of human teeth is directly related to its food. 

The teeth of humans etc. were very strong because they used hard and hard things as food. Nowadays the nature of food has become soft and full of starch. Which is the main reason for causing 'cavity' in the teeth?

Must-read tips for beautiful smiles and healthy teeth ...

Teeth Care- 21 Tips to Take Care of Your Dental Health at home

Many stomach problems can also be born due to many diseases caused by teeth.

There is a beautiful smile on every face. And your smile makes your teeth beautiful. If the teeth are yellow, they will have insects or if there is blood, then your smile can be seen with unhealthy teeth. Not only this, but many stomach related problems can also be born due to many diseases arising in the teeth. 

So it is important that you can have many teeth related problems during the monsoon, which can affect the health of teeth, so it is necessary to change the toothbrush and floss the teeth regularly (teeth cleaning thread). You can keep your teeth healthy by taking some precautions.

  • Change your toothbrush frequently and use a new toothbrush as it helps in maintaining the hygiene of the mouth.
  • Should floss regularly. The length of the suggested floss is 18 inches in each flossing session. According to the day-to-day flossing plan, it will be about 45 feet in a month.
  • Consumption of seasonal foods and vegetables is necessary along with a proper healthy diet containing vitamin C and calcium. Consuming apple, pear, strawberry, curd, and oats are beneficial during monsoon.
  • A regular dental checkup is a must for everyone. This will not only keep your teeth healthy but if there is any problem, it will be known in the initial stage.
  • In this season, we consume a lot of hot drinks like coffee or tea, which contains caffeine, this can make your teeth worse or weaken and may cause stains or blackness on them, so consume both in small amounts. Try it.

Keep these things in mind for teeth care / 21 Tips For Teeth Care

Teeth Care- 21 Tips to Take Care of Your Dental Health at home

  • For Teeth Care, pay proper attention to teeth cleaning. This will give teeth a lifetime, as well as help in enhancing your beauty.
  • There are always millions of bacteria in the mouth who want to stick to a hard surface in the mouth and try to make a big group. This process goes on continuously throughout the year. These hard surfaces in the mouth are our teeth where these bacteria go and stick and make an invisible surface called "Teeth Plaque" around our teeth. 
  • In fact, the main purpose of cleaning teeth is to brush or floss. This plaque has to be cleaned with help. Remember that teeth and gum infections affect our entire system. Which can affect your heart, brain, and blood vessels? That is why regular cleaning of these germs and bacteria is necessary for Teeth Care.
  • For oil care (Teeth Care), 'oil pulling' therapy is a better option, for this, you can use any edible oil such as mustard, sunflower, sesame oil or coconut oil in the morning and rinse in the mouth on an empty stomach for 20 minutes. 
  • It kills bacteria and also makes teeth and gums strong. Pyralid is not done by doing oil pulling therapy as well as the smell of the mouth is also removed. It is an excellent Ayurvedic technique of about three hundred years old. See - Bad breath - Causes, prevention, and 16 home remedies.
  • Brush regularly two times for teeth cleaning. Clean the teeth in such a way that the grain particles trapped in the teeth come out. Which are especially responsible for bad breath.
  • Do not use sweet foods like chocolate, cold drinks, all-purpose biscuits, ice creams, cakes, chips, snacks, junk food, etc. All these things cause tooth loss. After using such substances must rinse with water.
  • By the way, Teeth Care and for good health should not drink soda, cola, cold beverages, but if you have to drink, then put straw (tube) and drink it, then the acid in the cold drink will not put on your teeth.
  • Drinking cold water immediately after a hot drink causes teeth to move. So do not drink cold immediately after drinking hot beverages for Teeth Care.
  • After brushing teeth, rinse thoroughly with clean water. Massage the gums with your finger while rinse, this will speed up blood circulation and make gums beautiful and teeth strong.
  • Do not use teeth as tools. Such as pulling something from a tooth, breaking a thread, peeling wire, etc.
  • Do not crush the teeth with pin, needle, stick, etc. This causes wound in the gums, as well as the fear of being septic.
  • If you have a habit of grinding teeth in your sleep, then if you do not sleep by applying Grind Mouth Guard, then your teeth will soon get worn out and the gums may also become loose. Apart from this, some people have the habit of grinding teeth in anger which is not good for dental health. Also read - Best home remedies to remove yellowing of teeth
  • Smoking, drinking, drinking, tobacco, gutkha, etc. also destroy the beauty of teeth. Avoid using such things for dental care.
  • Do not use the toothbrushes used by others. This can cause tooth infection.
  • For better Teeth Care, the dental examination should be done twice a year, so that any type of disease infection can be detected in time.
  • If you use dental brushing, make sure that the brush is of high quality, soft, poor and rough, and can cause permanent damage to your teeth.
  • Along with cleaning the teeth, clean the tongue also regularly, otherwise, it will be considered incomplete cleaning.

What to eat for teeth care? / Best Foods For Dental Health and Teeth Care

After eating food for Teeth Care, eating a carrot, radish, cucumber, cucumber, guava, apple, etc. clears the teeth and makes the teeth beautiful and strong.

Apart from this, eat apples and grapes every day and consume plenty of dairy products like milk, yogurt, etc. in your food.

Use fluoridated water as drinking water for dental care. It contains enamel, which reduces the effect of acid on teeth and strengthens teeth.

Not having a full and balanced diet during pregnancy has a direct effect on the teeth of the fetus. Therefore, calcium and other minerals must be taken during pregnancy for Teeth Care. Read for more information - Important Diet in Pregnancy including Diet Chart.
