Natural home remedies for dengue fever

Natural home remedies for dengue fever

Natural home remedies for dengue fever

Home remedies for dengue fever: Dengue fever is spread by Aedes mosquito bites. Dengue mosquitoes bite during the day and these mosquitoes breed in open and stagnant water. There is severe pain in the joints and head during dengue. 

If the symptoms of dengue fever are detected in the beginning then this disease can be avoided. So let us know some home remedies to avoid dengue:

Fenugreek leaves are the home remedy to avoid dengue

Fenugreek leaves are known to reduce fever and act as a mild sedative to reduce pain and promote more restful sleep. It is a popular home remedy for symptoms of dengue fever in many places around the world.

Neem leaves are ways to avoid dengue

Neem leaves are commonly used for various diseases and dengue fever is no exception. Drinking neem leaves and its extracts increase the number of both blood platelets and white blood cells. Properly grounded neem leaves can improve the immune system and return your strength much faster than many other home remedies.

Dengue's desi recipe is papaya leaves

Papaya leaves are widely known as a natural cure for dengue fever. A complex mixture of nutrients and organic compounds in papaya can increase your platelet count. With the help of vitamin C present in it, papaya helps to stimulate the immune system and antioxidants reduce oxidative stress and eliminate more toxins in the blood. Mash its leaves and extract the juice and then sieve it with a cloth to drink pure juice.

Take measures to avoid dengue fever with orange juice

A mixture of antioxidants and vitamin C present in orange juice is considered ideal for treating secondary symptoms of dengue fever and eliminating viruses. Orange juice helps to boost the immune system's antibodies and flushes out toxins. It stimulates cellular repair due to the important role of vitamin C in the formation of collagen.

Drink plenty of water to avoid dengue fever

Two common symptoms of dengue are headaches and muscle spasms which further aggravate due to dehydration. Therefore, to keep the body hydrated, drink as much water as possible. In addition, water will help remove more toxic elements from the body. Coconut water is also consumed heavily for dengue fever and for rapid emergence from fever.

Avoid dengue by using basil leaves

Chewing Tulsi leaves is not tasty, but is known as an important immune-boosting technique and has long been recommended in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of dengue fever. Tulsi oil also has natural insecticidal properties. Boiling basil leaves and 2 grams of black pepper in water and drinking it is also very beneficial, it increases the immune system in dengue.

Golden Seal is the home remedy for dengue

Although many herbal or natural remedies are not approved or proven through direct research, homeopathic practitioners have praised Goldenseal for its ability to quickly relieve the symptoms of dengue fever and eliminate the virus from the body. 

Not only does Goldenseal help reduce fever, chills, headaches, nausea, and vomiting, but its natural antiviral potential can essentially treat dengue fever. It acts like papaya leaves. You can use it in the same way. Take out the leaves and juice from its leaves and consume it.

Although most cases of dengue fever are not fatal, fever may progress rapidly to more severe stages if the initial symptoms are left untreated and preventive measures are not taken. Use these home remedies and understand that these are not formal "cures". Be sure to contact your doctor, given the severity of symptoms.

Barley grass is a home remedy for dengue

Barley grass has the unique ability to significantly increase the body's blood platelets by stimulating the production of blood cells. As the number of blood platelets decreases drastically during dengue fever, it is a very useful home remedy. You can drink tea made from barley or eat barley grass directly and see a rapid increase in platelet counts.

Do the panacea of ​​dengue with Giloy

Giloy is a very important herb in Ayurveda. It helps to maintain metabolic rate, strengthens the immune system, and protects your body against infection. In dengue fever, you boil its stem and use it as an herbal drink. You can also add some basil leaves to this drink.
