How to increase digestion power - How to improve digestion
How to improve digestion: Many people suffer from digestive problems like gas, bloating, stomach upset, sometimes constipation or fatigue after eating. Today we will consider a simple solution to these common complaints. We will talk about what we eat and how and at what time.
A strong digestive system is necessary to avoid these problems. So let's learn how to increase digestion power -
How to improve digestion - Do not eat food as per Ayurveda
Many of us start eating lunch multitasking, meaning driving in traffic, working at the table, or standing still because we lack time. According to Ayurveda, our body needs the proper environment to absorb nutrients from food.
Therefore, while standing, driving, walking on the way, food should not be taken. If you lack time, yet you should sit and eat.
How to improve digestion - Enjoy eating according to Ayurveda
Food gives us life. According to Ayurveda, food is important for the development of our consciousness as well as our physical health. When we sit down and eat, our stomach remains relaxed and all our attention is on the food taste, how the food is made, and the aroma of the food which greatly improves our digestion.
Measures to increase digestive power
There is a digestive fire in our body to digest food which we also call digestive energy. We start taking food before improving our digestive energy. Weak digestive fire causes fatigue after eating. So according to Ayurveda.
In order to regularize our digestive energy, we are told to take fresh ginger with a little lemon juice and a pinch of salt before meals. It activates salivary glands so that our body can easily absorb the nutrients from food and make the necessary enzymes.
According to Ayurveda, it is very important to keep the digestive fire balanced. If our digestive energy is very less then it takes a lot of time to digest food. In the same way, if the digestive fire is high then it burns the food. This is why our digestive fire needs to be balanced in order to digest food well and easily.
Do not drink cold drinks to increase digestion
Ice water or cold water extinguishes our digestive fire while eating. Even the consumption of cold juice and milk extracted from fries is not good for our digestive energy. Therefore, we should consume room temperature juice or water. Maintaining balanced digestion depends on our state of dosha which may vary.
For example, Ayurvedic remedies for both stomach acidity and abdominal bloating will vary. When we start drinking a room temperature drink, our digestion starts improving. Whenever consuming cold drinks with hot food it can cause stomach cramps, bloating, and general discomfort.
If your bile is unbalanced, you can take cold drinks between meals. However, cold or fridge foods are also not good for our bile dosha.
How to improve digestion - The right time to eat
Have you ever been out for dinner late? The next morning when you wake up you feel stressed, you remain sluggish all day? This is often a side effect of eating improperly. Therefore, to avoid these problems, food should be taken after following the appropriate time and nature's rhythm.
We should have lunch from 12 to 2 pm. At this time our digestive energy is strong. According to Ayurveda, fire is associated with the sun and our mind and body are associated with the environment in which we live. We should consume lunch in plenty because at that time our digestive energy works more powerfully.
Dinner should be lighter than lunch and we should have food by 8:00 pm. After 10:00 pm, our body works to destroy toxins. Therefore, after eating at 10:00 pm, the toxins get deposited in the food system and as a result, we feel tired the next day.
Lassi is an effective way to increase digestive power - Yogurt For Digestion
We should consume lassi while eating food or after eating food. Yogurt is considered the best treatment for improving digestive health. Lassi contains light and essential bacteria which helps in digesting food smoothly. Lassi also helps reduce gas and bloating.
Triphala Ayurvedic medicine to increase digestive power
Triphala is a powerful formula to detoxify the colon, which is made from a mixture of three herbs - Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. Its use also increases the absorption of nutrients. Triphala is very useful in cleansing the toxins of the stomach. It slowly cleanses the body of toxins.
Therefore Triphala should be used for a long time. Three tablets of Triphala or one teaspoon powder should be consumed with water before sleeping.
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