Soaked figs are beneficial in constipation - relief in stomach pain

Soaked figs are beneficial in constipation - relief in stomach pain

Soaked figs are beneficial in constipation

Soaked figs are beneficial in constipation: Figs are a popular seasonal fruit of the Mulberry family. Fig trees were grown in parts of Asia, particularly around the Mediterranean Sea. 


The popularity of this juicy fruit has been increasing for centuries, but its cultivation is now being practiced in many parts of the world. Figs are found in many different colors like purple and green.

The fig has a sweet and juicy anus filled with crunchy seeds. In India, you will find sweet and juicy fruit mostly in dry form, but many people prefer to consume it as fresh fruit. Fresh figs have fewer calories and sugar than dried figs. Which are quite beneficial and safe for diabetes patients.

On the other hand, calcium is found more in dried figs. A dried fig contains 13 mg of calcium. Apart from this, figs are a very good source of vitamin A, B, and minerals (phosphorus, iron, potassium). Another factor that makes fig favorite among nutritionists is its high fiber content. Fiber-rich foods help control blood sugar levels and maintain cholesterol levels.

Eating such foods gives satisfaction to your stomach, which makes you not hungry much and helps in weight loss. Fiber is also very important in maintaining good digestive health. Perhaps this is why eating soaked figs have been one of India's most trusted home remedies to treat constipation.

How to control possession - Soaked figs are beneficial in constipation

Constipation is defined as a condition when a person has difficulty emptying or clearing the intestines, if to put it simply, having trouble toileting is a sign of constipation. According to a study, about 22 percent of Indians suffer from constipation. 

Despite being a major health problem, it has little or no discussion. If it is left untreated, chronic constipation can lead to anal fissure, itching, pain, and even bleeding. On the other hand, mild constipation can be corrected to some extent by home remedies. Eating 2-3 dried figs soaked in water at night in the morning provides relief in constipation.

Figs are an extraordinary source of fiber. Consuming fiber-rich foods is important to maintain a healthy digestive system, which in turn can prove effective in reducing the chances of constipation. Fiber collects the stools of the body, softens them, and helps relieve constipation. 

Fig is one of the best natural laxatives in your diet that you can include in your diet. Both dried and cooked figs are an extraordinary source of soluble fiber, which can help relieve constipation along with other digestive problems like Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

How are soaked figs helpful? - Soaked figs are beneficial in constipation

According to experts, there is no harm in eating dried figs. Fig is a powerhouse of fiber. There are usually two types of fibers. Soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. When you add figs to water, the soluble fiber breaks down and becomes easier to digest.

This is how to consume figs

Soak 2-3 dried figs in water and leave them overnight. Consume them in the morning. If you want better results, then eat it daily every morning for a month. For long term constipation management, it is imperative that we consume a healthy diet with adequate fiber-rich foods such as wholegrain cereals, vegetables, fruits, and salads. Avoid foods like alcohol, fried foods, fast food, etc.
