Health benefits of eating fish and its disadvantages of eating fish

Health benefits of eating fish and its disadvantages of eating fish

Health benefits of eating fish

Health benefits of eating fish: If you eat non-veg food, then fish must be eaten. It tastes good to eat, as well as it has many benefits. It is a very nutritious diet.

As you know, fish is found in water. Unlike other large classes of animals, they belong to a paraphyletic group, which consists of lampreys, hagfish, bony fish, and cartilaginous. These fish first began to develop during the Cambrian period. There are about 32,000 different species of fish worldwide, some of which are hunted in different parts of the world.

It contains many essential nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and omega 3 fatty acids. In many states of our country like Bihar, Parcham Bengal, and Assam, it is eaten very well.

Fish is a special dish of the Bengali people. It is said that Bengali people consume fish a lot, so their brain is very strong. This provides rich nutrition not only to the body but also to the mind. There are more benefits of eating fish, let us make you aware of them.

Benefits of eating fish

Benefits of eating fish for hair

In today's time, many people have to face the problem of hair loss. Getting good hair is also very difficult in today's time. If you want to get good hair then start eating fish.

Believe that people who eat fish have very thick and strong hair. Fish contains omega 3, which is very beneficial for hair and skin. If you want to get benefit from the consumption of fish, then instead of frying it try boiling or eating baked.

Fish is beneficial for the eyes

In earlier times, older people used to have eye problems such as less visible, blurred vision at night, but in today's time, even in young children, this problem is seen. Children get glasses at such a young age.

Lack of nutrients is the main reason for children wearing thick glasses. Due to the lack of omega 3 fatty acids in the diet, there are vision defects or other eye problems. By consuming fish, omega 3 is replenished in the body, and eyesight increases.

Fish intake makes the brain fast

Do you want your child's brain to be sharp, the smartest in class? So let your child eat fish without thinking.

Fish is also an essential diet for your brain. Fish contains such elements that make your mind sharp. The protein present in it is also helpful in the formation of new cells. At the same time, the fatty acid present in it enhances memory. Those who have amnesia, they should consume fish regularly.

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, seafood can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The study found that people who consume fish regularly have a lower risk of mental illness than those who do not consume fish.

Fish use for respiration

Pollution in the environment can affect your respiratory health. You should eat foods that contain nutrients like potassium and vitamin B, which protect your respiratory system from various diseases. In addition, nutritionists suggest asthmatic patients include fish such as salmon and tuna in their diet. Fish intake is also beneficial for those who experience chest swelling and difficulty in breathing due to a persistent cough. Regular intake of fish can also reduce the risk of asthma in children.

Eating fish is beneficial in preventing cancer

As we mentioned above, omega 3 fatty acids are present in fish. This is not only beneficial for the hair but is also helpful in keeping cancer away from the body. If you eat non-veg, then it should be taken to avoid cancer. Women should definitely eat it because it eliminates the possibility of breast cancer. Omega 3-fats present in fish can alter the cell function of the fat colon and also reduce inflammation. According to the AICR report, eating fish can also reduce the risk of liver cancer. However, not much research has been done on this.

Eating fish is beneficial in high blood pressure

If you have high blood pressure, then you should eat fish, it reduces high BP.

If you are suffering from high blood pressure, incorporating fish into your diet may reduce it. A person suffering from high blood pressure should not eat other non-vegetarian items. But they can eat fish because it contains low fat. Fish intake does not allow cholesterol to rise. This makes the heart and its muscles strong. If you want to keep away from heart disease, then include fish in your diet. According to a study published in Circulation found, fish oil is helpful in lowering blood pressure due to high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids.

Other benefits of eating fish

Other benefits of eating fish are:

  • Those who live in extreme depression should consume fish. The omega 3 present in it reduces depression.
  • It reduces the risk of heart attack, so it should be consumed daily.
  • According to research, men who also include fish in their diet, their sperm are healthy and active.
  • Fish is very beneficial for health as well as beauty. People who eat it do not get wrinkles soon.
  • Fish contains vitamin D which is beneficial in the absorption of calcium for bone health and growth.
  •  According to a study published by The Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, fish contains vitamin D which is also helpful in sleeping.
  • The use of fish helps in lowering cholesterol.
  • A study published in the Nutritional Journal has found that fish intake has considerable benefits to focus on.
  • According to a study published by the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, the use of fish is also helpful in premenstrual (PMS) symptoms for women.

The advantage of eating fish to increase energy

Your body needs protein to maintain energy. More protein present in the fish gives your body energy immediately. The required amount of nutrients in your body, not only increases your energy but also helps to rejuvenate the damaged cells. It is advisable to consume fish regularly to maintain the level of nutrients in your body.

The right time to eat fish

Fish can be eaten at any time of the day (breakfast, lunch, or dinner). But due to the risk of absorbing more mercury, it is considered best to use it only once or twice during the day.

Disadvantages of eating fish

The disadvantages of eating fish are as follows -

  1. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, and women who want to conceive should limit eating fish with methylmercury. This industrial pollutant can hinder the development of the nervous system in fetuses, infants, and young children. As methylmercury begins to accumulate over time, it is mostly concentrated in large fishes such as sharks, swordfish, mackerel, tilefish, and albacore tuna.
  2. Cultivated salmon may contain high levels of pesticides and other toxins. To avoid any negative effects of this infection, try to buy wild salmon instead of cultivated salmon. To find out, read the label on salmon while shopping.
  3. According to a study, fishes, especially small fish, are found to have a toxin called Dichloro Diphenyldichloro Ethylene which increases the risk of diabetes. When we eat these fish, then this substance gets deposited in our liver and increases obesity, which increases the risk of diabetes.
  4. It is often forbidden to drink milk after fish as it is believed to cause white rashes or spots on the skin, although there is no scientific evidence for this. Drinking milk after eating spicy fish is also expected to cause digestive problems. Some people consider the intake of yogurt along with fish as harmful for health.

Therefore, consume fish in the appropriate quantity. It is very beneficial for the body. But if you are suffering from some serious disease, then please consult your doctor before eating it.
